Threatened and Endangered Animals of Florida
Bankclimber, purple (mussel) (Elliptoideus sloatianus)Bat, gray (Myotis grisescens)Beetle, American burying (Nicrophorus americanus)Butterfly, Schaus swallowtail (Heraclides aristodemus ponceanus)Caracara, Audubon's crested (Polyborus plancus audubonii)Crocodile, American (Crocodylus acutus)Curlew, Eskimo (Numenius borealis)Darter, Okaloosa (Etheostoma okaloosae)Deer, key (Odocoileus virginianus clavium)Eagle, bald (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)Jay, Florida scrub (Aphelocoma coerulescens)Kite, Everglade snail (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus)Manatee, West Indian (Trichechus manatus)Moccasinshell, Gulf (Medionidus penicillatus)Moccasinshell, Ochlockonee (Medionidus simpsonianus)Mouse, Anastasia Island beach (Peromyscus polionotus phasma)Mouse, Choctawhatchee beach (Peromyscus polionotus allophrys)Mouse, Key Largo cotton (Peromyscus gossypinus allapaticola)Mouse, Perdido Key beach (Peromyscus polionotus trissyllepsis)Mouse, southeastern beach (Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris)Mouse, St. Andrew beach (Peromyscus polionotus peninsularis)Panther, Florida (Puma (=Felis) concolor coryi)Pigtoe, oval (Pleurobema pyriforme)Plover, piping (Charadrius melodus)Pocketbook, shinyrayed (Lampsilis subangulata)Rabbit, Lower Keys marsh (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri)Rice rat (Oryzomys palustris natator)Salamander, flatwoods (Ambystoma cingulatum)Sawfish, smalltooth (Pristis pectinata)Sea turtle, green (Chelonia mydas)Sea turtle, hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata)Sea turtle, Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii)Sea turtle, leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea)Sea turtle, loggerhead (Caretta caretta)Seal, Caribbean monk (Monachus tropicalis)Shrimp, Squirrel Chimney Cave (Palaemonetes cummingi)Skink, bluetail mole (Eumeces egregius lividus)Skink, sand (Neoseps reynoldsi)Slabshell, Chipola (Elliptio chipolaensis)Snail, Stock Island tree (Orthalicus reses (not incl. nesodryas))Snake, Atlantic salt marsh (Nerodia clarkii taeniata)Snake, eastern indigo (Drymarchon corais couperi)Sparrow, Cape Sable seaside (Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis)Sparrow, Florida grasshopper (Ammodramus savannarum floridanus)Stork, wood (Mycteria americana)Sturgeon, gulf (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi)Sturgeon, shortnose (Acipenser brevirostrum)Tern, roseate Western Hemisphere except NE U.S. (Sterna dougallii dougallii)Three-ridge, fat (mussel) (Amblema neislerii)Vole, Florida salt marsh (Microtus pennsylvanicus dukecampbelli)Whale, finback (Balaenoptera physalus)Whale, humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae)Whale, right (Balaena glacialis (incl. australis))Wolf, gray (Canis lupus)Woodpecker, red-cockaded (Picoides borealis)Woodrat, Key Largo (Neotoma floridana smalli)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The Concerns of the Social and Environmental Problems Of The United States
The Environmental problems and Social problems that relate with each other in the United States and their resolutions are:
Landfill overflow and immigration: Due to more immigrants coming to the United State this caused the population to rise and where there are more people, there is more garbage and waist. The solution to this problem is to make people more educated about recycling. If we get more people to recycle there would be less garbage and pollution. The Government also should step in and make stricter laws about immigration and recycling.
Natural Disasters and Healthcare: When people suffer from a natural disaster most likely they loose everything. They are no longer able to afford the things that they once did. The United States health care system is one the worst in the world. People are forced to apply for Medicaid or even worse go outside of the county for better health care. The solution to this problem is easy. The Government needs to step in create more long-term help groups. They can also regulate the doctors and the price of obtaining health insurance to make it more affordable. The Health Insurance companies are making so much money because they are paying less and less out of their pockets. The Government can stop this.
Landfill overflow and immigration: Due to more immigrants coming to the United State this caused the population to rise and where there are more people, there is more garbage and waist. The solution to this problem is to make people more educated about recycling. If we get more people to recycle there would be less garbage and pollution. The Government also should step in and make stricter laws about immigration and recycling.
Natural Disasters and Healthcare: When people suffer from a natural disaster most likely they loose everything. They are no longer able to afford the things that they once did. The United States health care system is one the worst in the world. People are forced to apply for Medicaid or even worse go outside of the county for better health care. The solution to this problem is easy. The Government needs to step in create more long-term help groups. They can also regulate the doctors and the price of obtaining health insurance to make it more affordable. The Health Insurance companies are making so much money because they are paying less and less out of their pockets. The Government can stop this.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The 5 Cycles of the Environment.

1) Carbon Cycle; picture provided

2) Oxygen Cycle; picture provided by

3) Nitrogen Cycle; picture provided by

4) Phosphorous Cycle; picture provided by

5) Calcium Cycle; picture provided by
Types of maps.
A. Political maps: Show cultural features like the outlines of countries, states and cities;
B. Physical maps: Show natural features such as mountains, rivers, lakes, and shorelines;
C. Road Maps: Show major and minor highways, cities and towns, often with campgrounds, parks, and other tourist features;
D. Weather maps: Show weather conditions such as fronts, temperatures, rain, snow, and fog at a particular time, or ranges during a particular period;
E. Summary maps: Show the results of analyzing grouped data.
B. Physical maps: Show natural features such as mountains, rivers, lakes, and shorelines;
C. Road Maps: Show major and minor highways, cities and towns, often with campgrounds, parks, and other tourist features;
D. Weather maps: Show weather conditions such as fronts, temperatures, rain, snow, and fog at a particular time, or ranges during a particular period;
E. Summary maps: Show the results of analyzing grouped data.
The Obligation to Endure.

Earth's vegetation and its animal life have been molded by the environment for many many years, but now this is left up to man. We have taken on the power to alter the nature of this world. It is now our obligation to endure the responsibility to take a stand in caring for the environment. It is our obligation to make our selves aware of all the different assault's by man to the air, earth, rivers and seas. We need to remind ourselves the worse we make it the harder it is going to be to turn it around. The world is really in our hands. Lets all make a stand in taking the obligation to insure that their will still be a healthy earth left for our children and their children beyond that.
United Nations Group Work!
Environmental and Social issues in the United States are:
1. Declining House Market;
2. Rise in Gas Prices;
3. Mass Immigration;
4. Unemployment;
5. Poverty, more demand of supplies from other countries;
6. Loss of the Value of the Dollar;
7. Bad Health Care Systems;
8. War draining the Country;
9. Debt in every aspect;
10. Social Security has been depleted;
1. Global Warming;
2. Water Pollution;
3. Water Shortage;
4. Forest Fires;
5. Mud Slides floods;
6. Rise in Endangered Animals;
7.Natural Disasters (tornados, hurricanes, etc.)
8. Land Fills are over flowing;
9. Air Pollution;
10. Land Erosion.
Other blogs with more information about what was listed above.
1. Declining House Market;
2. Rise in Gas Prices;
3. Mass Immigration;
4. Unemployment;
5. Poverty, more demand of supplies from other countries;
6. Loss of the Value of the Dollar;
7. Bad Health Care Systems;
8. War draining the Country;
9. Debt in every aspect;
10. Social Security has been depleted;
1. Global Warming;
2. Water Pollution;
3. Water Shortage;
4. Forest Fires;
5. Mud Slides floods;
6. Rise in Endangered Animals;
7.Natural Disasters (tornados, hurricanes, etc.)
8. Land Fills are over flowing;
9. Air Pollution;
10. Land Erosion.
Other blogs with more information about what was listed above.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Saving The Earth, Healp Us Fight!!! Mini-Project 1
Greenpeace is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful direct action and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future. It was created by American citizens in 1971. To find out more information about this organization please go to or click on web link.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is an association for the shooting, hunting, and firearms industry. It was formed in 1961. It is a not-for-profit foundation. Their purpose is to help other people better understand the hunting and shooting sport. They want future generations to be able to enjoy the great past time of hunting and shooting and to preserve the gaming animal population. To find out more information about this organization please go to or click on web link.
The National Resources Defense Council is an organization that I have chosen to join because they are involved in a broad range of issues safeguarding the earth, such as it's people, plants and animals, and the natural systems in which all life depends. you can visit their web sight at to see the listings of all issues that they support and deal with. I hope you Join!
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is an association for the shooting, hunting, and firearms industry. It was formed in 1961. It is a not-for-profit foundation. Their purpose is to help other people better understand the hunting and shooting sport. They want future generations to be able to enjoy the great past time of hunting and shooting and to preserve the gaming animal population. To find out more information about this organization please go to or click on web link.
The National Resources Defense Council is an organization that I have chosen to join because they are involved in a broad range of issues safeguarding the earth, such as it's people, plants and animals, and the natural systems in which all life depends. you can visit their web sight at to see the listings of all issues that they support and deal with. I hope you Join!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Silent Springs chapter one relates to chapter one in the Environmental Studies Concepts, Connections, and Controversies by Barry W. barker in that they both describe what of very importance it is for the people of the world to know about global pollution. It is left in their very own hands in how they make their own world healthy. If the businesses and industries were not regulated by the these different governmental laws and enforcement groups, their spring would be abruptly killed just like the town in chapter one of Silent Spring.

Their are many environmental protection agency and policy's that have been created due to trying to conserve the natueral resources around the world. The most famous is the NEPA. Congress recognized the potency of the issue in the late 1969 by passing the National Environmental Policy Act. You can view the full act at This act was made primarily to conserve the wilderness, but most recently it is now the protector of air, land, and water. President Nixon decided to establish an autonomous regulatory body to oversee the enforcement of environmental policy. This group is now known as the United States Environmental Protection Agency, also know as the (EPA). Their mission was to establish and enforce the environmental protection standards that were consistent with national environmental goals. Without them industries, business and local governments would disregard environmental concerns of citizens.
Ethics of environmental studies covers a range of categories, such as deep ecology. Deep ecology is a philosophy based on our sacred relationship with earth and all being, an international movement for a viable future, a path for self-realization and a compass for daily action like global warming. By studding global warming you can deepen your understanding of its effect on the world and understand what you can do to change it with your daily activities. Social Ecology is another study that integrates science with the interrelationships of culture and nature. It shows that a critical worldview and suggest that creative human enterprise can construct alternative futures. A culture's involvement in environmental issues is a complex interaction among the perception of issues from scientific, social, and political viewpoints. Industrial Ecology is the means by which humanity can deliberately and rationally approach and maintain a desirable carrying capacity, given continued economic, cultural, and technological evolution. Industries need to be aware of its long term consequences as much s it is of its consumer's needs. Their are global, regional, as well as local concerns, including Global climate change, Ozone depletion, loss of habitat and reduction of biodiversity, acid precipitation, chemical change in surface water, visibility, pesticides, ground water pollution, photochemical smog, oil spills, hazardous waste sites. Personal Ecology depends on one;s philosophical belief system. Environmental ethics involves a moral intimacy between humans and their environment.

The environment is very profitable. There is a growing trend of environmental themed restruants in the United States such as the Rainrorest Cafe. They seek profits throuh the promotion of environmental awareness. In order to do this the Rainforest Cafe offers outreach programs to educate students on wildlife preservation. The Corporation also sponsors an environmentally conscious organization called the Rainforest Cafe Friends of the Future Foundation. The Rainforest Cafe has exploited the thought that they could enhance their business and profit by promoting wildlife awareness.
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